
Social media management services that support your business goals; for coaches, leadership experts and female founders.

Does this sound familiar?

  • You’ve been running your own business for a while now, and whilst you are an expert in your field and get great results for your clients, you aren’t sure how to communicate that with your marketing in a way that resonates, and you find social media daunting and confusing. You don’t know what kind of content you need to create and what works on which platform.

  • Perhaps you know exactly how you want to look and sound to your audience, but you simply don’t have the time to create content, post it AND engage with your followers yourself consistently when you could be using that time to service your clients.

  • Maybe you are looking for someone to help you create a clear brand identity, nail a professional tone of voice that resonates with the audience you want to attract, and to have someone on your side, there to encourage you to show up and put yourself out there a bit more?

  • Every business is different. Whether you need an audit to help steer you in the right direction, a complete rebrand and strategy redesign, or simply someone to manage the day-to-day running of your social media accounts to free up your time, I’ve got you.

 Did you know 72% of users make purchase decisions based on Instagram content?


Or that 4 out of 5 people on LinkedIn “drive business decisions”?

*source: Hootsuite

What if…


You could show up consistently, gain visibility and be recognised as a thought leader within your industry?

I could save you hours of time, freeing you up to focus on what you do best?

You could have a steady stream of consistent leads coming in who already know what you do and are excited to work with you….


A clear, coherent social media strategy is like having a roadmap to guide you through your marketing journey online. It’s data-backed, aligns with your business values and tells you exactly who your audience is, what to post, when, where and how often.

I can help you get clear on branding and tone of voice, inform you on what content to create to resonate with your audience, and convert them from browsers to clients who are excited to work with you.

Following a bespoke social media strategy not only grabs the attention of your audience, it will enable you to create scroll-stopping content that engages them, teaches them about your services and fully informs them of everything they need to know about your business to work with you and convert them into paying clients.

You’ll have a clear roadmap to follow, and my support to help you implement it.

  • Social media audit of your current activity
    Competitor analysis
    Audience definition
    User personas
    Brand story clarity
    Channel strategy
    Branding strategy
    Hashtag strategy
    90 minute Zoom session

  • Prices for strategy start from £995

Social Media Management

Imagine having a perfectly curated social media presence that is consistent, makes you visible to your target audience and converts them to loyal followers…

As your social media manager, I run all of the day-to day activity on your social media platforms so you don’t have to. I create content, schedule it, and am online daily to engage with your audience and grow your following. You get a monthly analytics report which is packed full of data, and a monthly check-in meeting to share ideas, brainstorm and decide what you want to focus on for the month ahead. 

If you’re looking for someone to take the stress out of showing up on Instagram and LinkedIn, or if you struggle with consistency and coming up with new ideas, then this is the package for you.

Sam looking at mobile phone on desk
  • Social media strategy
    Content creation - branded Canva templates, created & curated content
    Content scheduling in Later
    Hashtag research
    Engagement - I grow your following by engaging with your target audience for you and build relationships throughout your community organically
    Monthly analytics report - where we look at what worked, what didn’t, and how to go forward
    30 min monthly catch-up & planning meeting on Zoom

  • Prices start from £900 a month.

Social media audit

Think your current social media offering isn’t working as hard as it could be for you?

Want an expert to cast their eye over your platforms to make sure they’re pulling their weight when it comes to growth, engagement and driving traffic to your business?

I offer an unbiased social media audit to anyone that wants to have their social media presence analysed, where I’ll look at what you’re doing well, what can be improved, what isn’t working for you and share tips and quick wins on how to create a strong digital marketing plan for your business going forward.

  • Multi-page PDF report document packed full of helpful info to enable you to improve your social media presence

    1 hour Zoom call to talk through the report where you can ask me any questions or get me to show you how to do something (recorded, so you can go back to it any time)

  • Prices start from £200

Nurture package

Learn how to manage your own social media platforms with my expert guidance. As an experienced social media manager who specialises in building personal brands, I can teach you how to create content that your followers will love and grow your audience organically. You’ll come away knowing how to show up consistently, how to gain visibility online, and to convert your audience.

If you’re pretty confident in wanting to manage your own social media and are looking for someone to hold your hand and support you along the way, then this is the package for you.

You get 3 x monthly hour long 1:2:1 video calls, plus 1 hour of my time to do whatever you need that month. This can include anything from setting up on a particular platform, a specific issue you are facing, training, or working on your strategy and campaigns.

Sam smiling and listening on the phone
  • 3 hours video call support (recordings will be sent) over three months

    1 hour of my time to work in your business

    Email support between sessions

    An email outlining any ongoing recommendations

  • Prices start from £600


I provide social media training sessions for companies, not-for-profits, SMEs and anyone else that wants to create valuable content that makes an impact. 

Whether you need to learn how to manage your own social media platforms, build communities and engage influencers, train your team to stay on-brand and consistent or set up a new platform and understand how it works, I can create a bespoke training session to get you and your team up-to-scratch. Get in touch to discuss how we can work together.

Previous sessions have included:

  • Instagram for beginners

  • Personal branding for early career legal professionals

  • Getting the most from your LinkedIn company page

  • Please get in touch for pricing on this service.

What's it like to work with me?

Working with me is like having a cheerleader on your side, there to help you show up online with confidence. My clients often come to me riddled with self doubt about putting themselves out there. I am here to support you through getting over that and to help you step into your full power on social media so that everyone can see how truly brilliant you and your business are.

You can rest assured that it doesn’t matter if you don’t fully understand the ins and outs of different social media platforms yet, because I will hold your hand and guide you through everything (without being exclusionary or jargony) and will teach you everything you need to know.

We're a great fit if....

  • You’re a female founder or coach who understands the value of building a strong, consistent personal brand and is ready to take that to the next level.

  • You want to be recognised as a thought leader in your industry.

  • You understand the value of having a presence on social media.

  • You are already clear on what your goals, values and mission are.



  • I can manage all social media platforms, but specialise in Instagram and LinkedIn.

  • Prices and packages are bespoke for each client, but start from £550 per month per platform.

  • Those aren’t services I provide, but I highly recommend Victoria Beddoes for brand photography and Danielle at Finding Design for websites.

  • I specialise in growing authentic audiences organically and work towards business goals, rather than rapid, unsustainable growth. Slow and steady wins the race!