How to choose a social media manager

You've got to the stage in your business where you are ready to outsource your digital marketing, but you don't know who to hire or what to look for. Here are my top tips for things to look out for when choosing a social media manager:

Do you like the style of content they create? 

You can tell a lot by looking at the content social media managers create for themselves. Does it resonate with you? Do you like what they say? Their tone? The imagery they use? Everyone has their own style so look for someone who creates things you actually like, because their style will rub off onto your content too.

Do they understand your niche? 

A great social media manager knows their audience and creates content that shows up where they are and talks about their pain points. Do they appear to understand your industry? Are they talking about the things that are bothering you?

Do they engage with their followers? 

This is a biggie. If they aren't engaging with their own followers, chances are they won't be engaging with yours when you work together either. Do they respond to comments and DMs? Do they seem 'active' in their community? We're nothing without our communities. Make sure they're nurturing theirs.

Do they walk their talk?

We've all seen social media gurus spouting about tricks and hacks to get you to six figure sales. Can you smell a rat? If they're shouting about one thing but clearly doing another, run away!

Do they have good testimonials?

The (social) proof is in the pudding. Check their LinkedIn, Google, website, Facebook etc. Are there reviews and testimonials? What do they say?

Do they have capacity?

Check your potential social media manager has capacity to actually work with you. They may have a waitlist, they may have space, they may be fully booked. If they are, do they offer other ways for you to work together, eg courses, training, nurture packages etc.

Hi, I’m Sam!

I'm a social media marketer based in Wolverhampton with an eagle eye for scroll-stopping visuals and a knack for creating really engaging content.⁠ I work with coaches, founders and service-based businesses to help them shine online.


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