Six new things to try on LinkedIn to elevate your personal brand

Want to elevate your personal brand on LinkedIn and get yourself noticed? Try one of these new LinkedIn features…

🥝 Start a newsletter - One for those of you in 'creator mode'. You can now start a LinkedIn newsletter to update your followers on what you've been working on, thought leadership content, or whatever you please. ⁠

🥝 Record the correct pronunciation of your name - Mis-pronunciations happen, and it can get super annoying having to repeat yourself all the time. Add the correct pronunciation of your name to your profile to avoid those awkward moments.⁠

🥝 Add a career break to your profile - If you've been on maternity leave, cared for a relative, or spent time travelling, you can now add this to your profile. One small task for you, one giant leap for normalising the need to take breaks during your career.⁠

🥝 Create a showcase page - Showcase Pages are extensions of your LinkedIn biz page, intended to spotlight individual brands. They are listed under ‘Affiliated Pages’ on your main LinkedIn Page. Great for those of you with a lot of different things going on within your business.⁠

🥝 Switch to 'creator mode' - Works on a 'follow-first' basis, making it much easier for people to engage with your content and grow your following. Add the topics you frequently post about and share your best bits with the 'featured' content section.⁠

🥝 Add a profile video - These are great for building familiarity with your audience and introducing yourself. Keep it short, friendly and snappy for bets results.⁠

Have you done any of the above?


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